Finding Clarity On-Demand Yoga Intensive
with Nicole Tierre
In this 9-part intensive we’ll be working on the theme of finding clarity in our lives. What does that even look and feel like? I thought we'd take some time to find ways in our everyday life to find a sense of clarity or knowing about what comes next in our lives. We'll talk through how clarity can come from doing our practice, cultivating calm, and keeping our hearts open. Let's go on a journey to harness our own sense of "knowing" for our health and healing.
with Nicole Tierre
In this 9-part intensive we’ll be working on the theme of finding clarity in our lives. What does that even look and feel like? I thought we'd take some time to find ways in our everyday life to find a sense of clarity or knowing about what comes next in our lives. We'll talk through how clarity can come from doing our practice, cultivating calm, and keeping our hearts open. Let's go on a journey to harness our own sense of "knowing" for our health and healing.
with Nicole Tierre
In this 9-part intensive we’ll be working on the theme of finding clarity in our lives. What does that even look and feel like? I thought we'd take some time to find ways in our everyday life to find a sense of clarity or knowing about what comes next in our lives. We'll talk through how clarity can come from doing our practice, cultivating calm, and keeping our hearts open. Let's go on a journey to harness our own sense of "knowing" for our health and healing.